Credit Building
Learn from Ray Reynolds “The Godfather of Credit” how to establish your corporate/personal credit.
Ray Reynolds has helped clients over three decades establish corporate credit.
As of today Ray Reynolds has helped clients build over 3.6 Billion in Corporate Credit.
Ray Reynolds Credit Building
Now we have made it affordable to get the Ray Reynolds Credit Building! For a limited time, Act Now!
Getting real and beneficial approvals using the Ray Reynolds Credit Building program without personal guarantees is simple, impossible if you don’t really know what you’re doing…
For starters, you will use3-6 of the Ray Reynolds Credit Building vendors during the program that has agreed to extend credit lines to your company, regardless of the circumstances. Next, your company will pay its new accounts on time for 90 days.
We will assist you in Building your Corporate Credit Profile by having these vendors report your good payment history to the agencies.
Finally, once we have established a set business credit score number (within 90-120 days) we will give you the resources of over 700 credit grantors that will extend or help your business obtain financing.
This is a step by step program that does work, and we will be doing most of the work for you!
We will obtain for you a favorable Business Credit Profile including a D-U-N-S® Rating & Paydex® Score, and an Experian Intelliscore (remember these are totally separate files from the big three personal credit bureaus) in addition to 3-5 trade references you will need to get the Retail Cards, Credit Cards, Loans, Lease, or Lines of Credit your company needs all within 120 days.
Just a Few examples of credit being approved Without a personal guarantee…

Corporate Credit
We’ve taken the time to break the program down into sections, making the credit building process easy to understand and accomplish. Each section contains tasks which need to be completed. Some of these tasks include things like correctly establishing your business contact information and making sure your business is structured properly.
Building corporate credit doesn’t need to be confusing and time-consuming. You just need to be guided through the process by professionals who have done the research for you.

Personal Credit
Building credit can be tricky. If you don’t have a credit history, it’s hard to get a loan, a credit card or even an apartment.
But how are you supposed to show a history of responsible repayment if no one will give you credit in the first place?
Several tools can help you establish a credit history: secured credit cards, a credit-builder loan, a co-signed credit card or loan, or authorized user status on another person’s credit card.
We can help you build your credit score and we make sure you use it in a way that will eventually earn you a good credit score..